Sunday, August 31, 2008

I hate mixed messages! When my sons were in school they attended the DARE program. DARE to keep away from DRUGS and ALCOHOL ! Yet Half the kids were on Ritalin! The school encouraged Drugging the kids, mostly boys, because they were so full of life it was hard to teach them! Boys are naturally energetic, CAN'T HAVE THAT! Now the schools want parents to vaccinate their young girls! The boys are good and drugged now let's turn our attention to the girls! Is anyone else upset by this!? On a lighter!? note. I was riding through town with a friend several yrs ago, after 9,11, before the Iraq war when president Bush was debating driving Saddam from power. A car ahead of us had 2 bumper stickers. One said NO WAR IN IRAQ, The second one said FREE TIBET. I told my friend, This person doesn't want the U.S. to go to War against Iraq but they have no problem with us fighting CHINA. Am I missing something!?

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